(click to enlarge)
Location: Mannheim-Feudenheim. I'm a bit too lazy to explain the connotation, Germans will understand it :3
Location: Mannheim-Feudenheim. I'm a bit too lazy to explain the connotation, Germans will understand it :3
Yes, there is a theme to this.
3 Kommentare:
Wie? Noch kein Farbbeutel dran?
lol now you've got me all curious. XD i take it that nazis stoppen sign has nothing to do with proper disposal of garbage issued by the city rubbish collectors' association ? XD dammit, these word verifications are harder than ever. especially at 4:30 am. lol there's so many consecutive w's and v's. they're trying to pressure me to commit suicide, i swear it.
top sign is by a "party" called "German List"... says "vote German" basically.
below that is of course a anti-Nazi sign by the Greens. ^^
both signs were up during the Mayor's election in Mannheim last year (Social Democrat candidate won, as usual).
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