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Location: Heidelberg. Although it's not a stairway - it's called the "Ladder to Heaven", seriously
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Location: Heidelberg. The rather futuristic looking station at Heidelberg Castle for the Bergbahn funicular - which has been in operation for 118 years now.
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Location: Heidelberg. One-fifth of it anyway. Shot from the Königstuhl hill... errr.... mountain. Pretty good weather that day.
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Location: Heidelberg. Weather has been rather mixed lately - it's patently cold, however it tends to switch from sunny to overcast to light snow to hard rain showers to ice hailstorms like this one all the time.
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Location: Heidelberg-Südstadt. They're connecting tram tracks together there - and they do it by cooking steel above it, pouring it inbetween two pieces of track, and then beating the leftover molten metal off the joint with large hammers.
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Location: Heidelberg-Südstadt. A pile of rubble left over from construction work. Check the caterpillar to the left for size comparison.
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Location: Mannheim-Seckenheim suburb. The wall is new, not some old leftover city fortification - built sometime in the last 10 years, and serves to protect the town from noise and wind from the nearby highway (right behind me). The wall surrounds the town almost entirely, and is about three meters high. Doesn't look very much out of place though in my opinion, rather well done.
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Location: Heidelberg.
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Location: Mannheim-Friedrichsfeld train station. Which technically isn't in Friedrichsfeld, but in the neighboring town.
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Location: Bad Dürkheim.
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Location: Hemsbach train station. This is one of only two train stations along its line (out of ... uh... about 15?) between Darmstadt and Heidelberg that have been modernized to modern standards. About half a dozen others are scheduled for such modernization - sometime in the next 10 years.