

(click to enlarge)

Location: ... wouldn't you want to know? View from my office window. Pretty boring, if you ask me.

4 Kommentare:

sona hat gesagt…

that's not boring at all~! lol at least you see a street and a bike rack => in other words, PEOPLE. lol that and the trees are lovely! how is your office? O_O; i would love this view... ;D

Kato hat gesagt…

that's not a bike rack, that's the railing on an emergency exit for the underground stuff ^^;;

sona hat gesagt…

lol i was referring to the thing to the left, behind the tree, but i realized just now that if it's behind the tree, you can't see it anyway...>___> *whacks self*

Kato hat gesagt…

oh, that one >_>

i walk by that one every time i get in the building actually ^^;

... it's quite a bit bigger than what you see in this pic, hold like... 100+ bikes? and it's usually full, cuz we have like 4500 students at that place too :3