Location: Mannheim-Seckenheim suburb. The wall is new, not some old leftover city fortification - built sometime in the last 10 years, and serves to protect the town from noise and wind from the nearby highway (right behind me). The wall surrounds the town almost entirely, and is about three meters high. Doesn't look very much out of place though in my opinion, rather well done.
3 Kommentare:
Naja stehen die Wände sonst nicht direkt neben der Fahrbahn? Klingt auch sinnvoller.
Die haben direkt vor die Wand anschließend noch ne Umgehungsstraße hingesetzt.
Nur dass man auf der eh nur 50 fahren darf und kann, wegen den ganzen scheiß Kreiseln.
the wall is perfect. and what's even greater, as is the case with almost all german homes i'm seeing is the beautiful roofing!
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