Location: City Park, Park Island, Ludwigshafen. View to the south, towards the comparably small port area of Ludwigshafen.
Notes: Not the entire Island is part of the Park, actually - only like half of it. It's an artificial island btw, separated since 1893 by a small harbor canal from the rest of Ludwigshafen, and since 1968 again connected to the city by a dam at its southern end. The park itself was created in 1900, and rearranged in 1947-51 after heavy bombing damage. Its total area is 28 hectar (about 70 acre), mostly consisting of forest with small paths leading all over it. The park itself hugs the western shore of the island along the Rhine river, in a sorta of crescent moon shape to a maximum depth of 100m from the river, while the overall island is in a semi-circle shape, with the rest of it mostly covered with upscale housing. A streetcar rail line ends just across a bridge from the island, making it relatively easily reachable by public transport.
4 Kommentare:
lol pretty~ what's that bench in the front? i've never seen one like that. O_O;;
OMG lol kato, you have NO IDEA of how many times i'm typing the word verification all wrong!
That's the trashcan next to the bench ^^;;;
LOL! i see now.. ^^;;
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